Welcome to our feature, 10 minutes in the tackroom. This is a regular feature where we ask riders, businesses and charities 12 questions and they have a maximum of 10 minutes to answer them.

This week in the tackroom we have Natasha, you can follow Natasha on her Instagram and Facebook pages.

Tell us about your horse

Mary is an Mary is an 8 year old Hanoverian who came to me as a chronic rearer in May ’18, and we’ve had a bit of a rocky journey so far! I never realised quite how temperamental grey mares were until I got one… Give me a chestnut mare any day! With some very good help, we’ve jumped some double clears in British Showjumping classes and I can’t wait to see what we can do this year. She’s one of the trickiest but most talented horses I’ve ever ridden, so I’ve got my work cut out for 2019!


Tell us a horse joke

How do you make a small fortune in horses? Start with a large fortune!

What do you do when you aren't with your horse?

To be honest, that doesn’t leave me with much time! When I’m not at the yard, I can be found thinking about what I’ll be doing with Mary later, if Mary’s warm/cool enough, if she’s run out of hay, if she’s in a good mood, if she likes her new shoes, if she’d look nice in a new rug, which saddle cloth I’ll use at the show this weekend, which lorry would she like if I won the lottery, does she need clipping again, does she like the new bale of hay we opened this morning… You know, all normal things!

What do you love about the horsey community?

I love the friends that I’ve made! Some of my best and longest friends I’ve met through horses, be it at livery yards or Pony Club. There can be a real sense of camaraderie and support when you’re surrounded by like-minded people.

What do you dislike about the horsey community?

It has to be horsey people on social media. I’ve sadly been on the receiving end of people saying ‘I hope you fall off and break your neck’ etc etc. It really is awful. I’m lucky to have a really super support crew in my husband, family and friends and I try my best not to let it get to me.

Do your family share your passion of horses?

My mum got me into horses, even though she stopped riding as a teenager. My dad thought it was a great distraction from boys and causing trouble initially, but I think my love for horses totally backfired on him! In his Father-of-the-Bride speech, he said he was most pleased to be handing me, my horses and my expenses over to my new husband… Thanks Dad!

Tell us your funniest horse related story?

I’m not sure how funny these are, but they are totally embarrassing! I was working for a very well known showjumper when someone came to look at the horses. I was riding one horse for him and thought I was doing a splendid job, when I heard the client ask “how old is she?” I thought, “wow, he must think that I’m as great as I think I am!” and quickly blurted out “eighteen!” Well, needless to say he wasn’t interested in my age! Cue a very red face and sticking down the bottom end of the school for a long time.

Who is your favourite famous horse rider?

I’d be lying if I said anyone other than Scott Brash. That man is a total magician in the saddle and I’ve been lucky enough to meet him and he is so kind and humble. He’s a real inspiration.
Read more about Scott Brash here

Who is your favourite famous horse?

If I didn’t love mares as much, I would say Edwina Tops Alexander’s Inca Boy, but I definitely wouldn’t turn down the chance to ride Luciana Diniz’s Fit For Fun. That horse just gives everything to Luciana and I’d love to have a partnership like that with Mary.

Read more about Fit For Fun here

How many times have you fallen off?

If only I had a pound for every time I’d hit the deck… I did fall off three times in fifteen minutes once, which I am still quite impressed with but definitely not keen to replicate!

What horsey product can't you live without?

Can I have two? My Kentucky Horsewear Sheepskin girth ties with my Prestige saddle. Both offer such comfort to Mary and I have total peace of mind knowing that both items are the best that money can buy.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

 I thought that no one would be interested in my Facebook page about Mary. It was my Dad that convinced me to set it up back on the 1st July 2018 and I can’t believe the support I’ve received through it. Over 9,000 followers later, I think that people might be enjoying Mary’s journey!

Well done Natasha, You have completed the #10minutesinthetackroom challenge. 

If you would like to take part in the tackroom challenge please email us at info@equissimo.co.uk


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